Thursday, August 28, 2008

There's no coming back, is there?

You've probably read a lot of short stories. And you probably know there's even more of those you haven't. This is one of them:

(p.s. I make it up as I write, so have mercy I beg you)

To live and to leave, part one

There are flats and there are apartments. There are houses and there are mansions. There are buildings and there are constructions. Solid structures. Pillars of living. Keepers of furniture. There's many of them and in one of the many lived a man not completely unknown to his neighbourghs. They said hello's and hi's when he passed them by and he replied with howyoudoin's and approving nods.
"Hello there!"
"How you doin', man?"
"All right, all right! What's going on up there in 17b, Jonathan?"
That is Jonathan's claim to a solid strucure, a pillar of living - 17B.
"Oh, not much. All as usual, don't you know."
It's just a furniture keeper after all.
"Well, keep it goin' anyway, buddy!"
"I'm trying, I tell you that!"
Hellothere laughs.
"I see, I see."
"I'll be off then, see you later!"
"See you, see you."
Jonathan nods and leaves. Act finished. Exit habitat - exit habits.

Obviously, some short stories are too long.

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